P5/6 Friday 1st May
Fun Friday!
I am going to copy each day’s “Read Me First” document from Team’s “Files” into this blog as some of you have been having difficulties accessing it. I hope this helps.
The use of Teams went really well this week, thank you. Over the long weekend I should be able to adjust “Files”.
Keep your personal projects going- you still have the folder to post them into – please check out the work Thomas and Ethan have already put in there.
Topic –Today continue to research “The Broons”, and think about the characters and how they might interact under lockdown. If you haven’t, create a list of the characters and write down what they are like. Describe them physically and what their personalities are like, just like you did for “Oor Wullie”. You will need to use adjectives, and if you want to challenge yourself you could also use similes and metaphors. Read Ethan’s “Broons” story and Thomas’s “Oor Wullie” story. Challenge: can you do better? Start to think about interesting ways to present these stories.
Continue to focus on money in maths first and then move onto measure. This will help progress your work on decimals to 3 places.
TJay 1b | TJay 2a | TJay 2b | |
Money | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 7 |
Measure | Chapter 15 | Chapter 13a | Chapter 13 |
Use the book that is most relevant to you – like “chili questions”. Do it like we do in class – don’t feel the need to do every question, just do enough to show yourself that you have understood. Check your answers in the back as you need. And Please contact me for support when you need to.
Education City: I have published a new series of activities: “Fractions 2”. Please try it.
I have not forgotten about the other spelling activity, but it proved to be more difficult to put together than I had thought, but I should also be able to finish it over the weekend. Meanwhile continue to practise your Fry’s words.
Remember Logan S suggested growing your own vegetables as a health project. What do you think? Ethan has also now started growing strawberries.
Keep your daily diary going, recording what you are doing, what exercise you do, what you eat and how you feel.
Continue to practise your French using the resources from the link below: https://powerlanguage.courses/forfamilies/french/
Don’t forget to do the day’s activities on BBC “Bitesize”.
And exercise with Joe https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bp-joe-wicks-workout
Take care all of you.
Have a good long weekend!