Primary One - Wednesday 6th May 2020
Good Morning Everyone!
I hope you all had a great long weekend and managed to enjoy yourself in the garden or while taking you daily exercise. I hope you are working through your learning packs and have managed to complete some activities. A few tasks for you do try.
Activity 1 – Phonics ng sound
L.I to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound
S.C. I can say the sound to match the letters ng
S.C. I can blend this sound with others sounds to read words
S.C. I can spell words with the ng sound
Today we are moving onto a new sound ng. These 2 letters together make one sound at the back of your mouth.. Have a go can you feel your tongue lifting when you make the sound? keep practicing!
Below are some ng words for you to practice.
k – i -ng s -i – ng w – i-ng s -w-i -ng s – l – i – ng r – i- ng b -r – i -ng l – o – ng
p – o – ng
Can you think of anymore words with the ng sound? Can you use one of the ng words to write a sentence? Challenge- how many sentences can you write! (Remember you can use your jotter)
Activity – 2 Reading
L.I. to read words and sentences
S.C. I can use the pictures in the story as a clue to help with unfamiliar words
S.C. I can read words I know in a sentence and use them to help me decide what an unfamiliar word could be
S.C. I can recognise and read tricky words
A new book this week from Oxford Owl for you to share and enjoy! (Remember go to My Class Login username – deansprimary1 and password – reading then to ebooks, age 5-6 lastly scroll down to Stuck in the Mud!)
Can you spot and read the following tricky words from your reading book?
said out were I’m asked couldn’t walk
Challenge – Can you use these words to create your own sentences about being stuck in the mud?
Activity 3 – Numeracy
L.I to count on and back
S.C. I can use a number line to support me
S.C. I can use jumps forward/backwards to add to a number or take away from a number
Practice counting on and back using a number line (You will find them in your numeracy pack). For example, 3 + 2= 5 put finger/counter on number 3 and count 2 jumps on (up the number line), similarly count back for subtraction (down the number line). The link below maybe helpful! `
Activity 4 – Money Challenge
L.I. to recognise and use a range of coins
S.C. I can apply my addition skills to add coins to find different totals
Remember if you can use concrete materials (a selection on coins) it will be helpful. Enjoy!
Activity 5-
WWF are posting daily opportunities for you to learn about forests from your own home. Today’s learning opportunity is about creating a forest habitat. Why not join them on their facebook page at 11am.
Have a great day! More learning activities tomorrow.