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P5 Wednesday 6th May

Good Morning!Hope you enjoyed your long bank holiday week-end. Choose a work-out Joe Wicks ( or Go Noodle.

Smart StartScience – Earth Day was on 22nd April. Earth Day is an annual global event, that raises awareness about pollution and ways to maintain a clean habitat and environment. Watch the video :

Then those people who have joined TedEd can pick one of the activities from this page:

Chat will go on at 9:55. If you haven’t finished your science you can do this after lunch.

Numeracy -LI To divide -SC I can divide whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000

First watch this video:

Then look at this PowerPoint PowPoint Div by 10, 100 and 1000

Learning Activities : Choose

Spicy:spicy divide 3 digit by 10

Spicier :spicier Dividing by 10 and 100

Spiciest:spiciest div by 100 1000 (This involves decimals.)

Plenary – watch this short video to reinforce dividing by 10

After Break

Number talks– logic puzzle

Literacy -Reading – The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy

Go to and work through the activities.

After Lunch

First finish off any unfinished work from this morning or any topic work from last week.

Topic -WW2

VE Day marks the day towards the end of World War Two when fighting against Nazi Germany came to an end in Europe. VE Day was the 8th May 1945. We still remember that day today. You might have seen some of the TV programs about WW2 this week. Watch this 5 minute video first

This PowerPoint gives more information about VE Day in Scotland.Ppt VE Day in Scotland

You might want to hear the speech given by Winston Churchill:

Learning Activities – Choose from the following activities. You might have time for more than one!

  1. Design a VE Day word search using words connected to VE Day. Why not let someone solve your puzzle after you have completed it?
  2. Design a VE Day medal – this document will help.Design a VE Day Medal
  3. Create a Newspaper Report of what happened on the first VE Day.
  4. Write a diary account of someone at the first VE Day.
  5. Design a commemorative teacup. This document will help : Teacup Design
  6. Draw a scene with people celebrating. Think carefully about where the people are and what they are doing.
  7. Design some commemorative bunting to hang in your bedroom.

Before you go : Oooh argh, why not have a pirate day/evening!(Ask parents first!) Scrawl on some black eyeliner and red lippy, then tie a scarf round your head … you’re pirates! Next make some pirate swords out of cardboard and stick some pirate films on the telly. Try this free printable pirate treasure hunt .(You will probably need help from an adult with this – it would be fun to organise for younger brothers or sisters.)

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