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Primary 7 6.05.20

Bonjouir. Ca va?

This morning for maths we are going to be working with fractions. You will see 2 pages that you can have a look at if you feel you need a little revision before you start. Don’t do these pages if you are confident about what you already know.

The medium task is consolidation of fractions that again, have a look at and try all / some of the questions if you feel you need to.

The Spicy is

L.I.          to produce an equivalent fraction

S.C.        I can use times tables accurately to find equivalent fractions and simplify fractions

Fractions Medium

Fractions Spicy

Revision – Fractions of a Quantity

Revision of equivalent and simplifying fractions

Break – Lunch

After break there are two fun activities for you to have a go at.

Reverse Listing


After Lunch

After Lunch we will be looking at The Plague and The Great Fire of London. It will not be easy to work through a topic but we will do our best. There is a power point for you to work through this afternoon.

  1. Read and write down (so you remember) the L.I. and S.C.
  2. Note any information that will help you to be successful with the S.C.
  3. Use that information to write a paragraph
  4. Share your paragraph with someone in your house


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