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P5 Thursday 7th May

Good Morning!

Let’s get energized. Here is the link to the Joe Wicks workout : or if you prefer another work-out do that instead.

Smart Start-Try this-write the answers in your book.Thursday Challenge Smart Start

If you have any problems downloading the Smart Start document try these activities instead-quiet reading outside in the shade, Sumdog(maths or spelling) or explore the Newsround website.


LI – To divide –SC I can divide with remainders.

We have learnt many strategies for division. There is one strategy on this video that also deals with remainders:

This powerpoint might help if you are still not sure:Ppt Division-with-remainders

Now try the calculations on the worksheet:divide remainders spicy(1 star), spicier (2 star), spiciest (3 star). Don’t forget to mark your work when you have finished.


  1.  problems and remainders
  2. Or…….Sumdog(maths)

After Break

Free-write  – You can finish what you started last week or this short video might give you a great idea!

Literacy – Grammar – LI To use fronted adverbials correctly.

Go to and work through the different activities.

After Lunch

First try listening to this story :


This year the Olympic Games were supposed to be in Tokyo, Japan but they have been cancelled due to the coronavirus. I hope that the Olympics will be on next year. Complete one of the activities from this document.Get designing resources(You can choose which one to do – if you have more time by all means complete more than one)


Travel back in time to May 8th 1945 as two young people are waiting to hear Winston Churchill announce the end of WW2 and join in with street party celebrations.

Miss Taylor has suggested some activities linked into V.E.Day. First watch these V.E.Day celebrations in Dumbarton Then try this  War Quiz). In order to find the answers to the quiz you can click on the images on this web page: When you are ready check your work on the answer sheet :Level One Quiz Answers

Before you go:

If anyone wants to have a virtual V.E. day party there are ideas here- Scroll down to where it says House Party ideas.You might need to ask your parents-There are some great ideas including WW2 recipes and music and dance ideas.

Also you might be interested in this website-especially those people who like to practise their research skills.

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