P5 Friday 8th May
Good Morning!
Let’s get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or any other work-out you want to do.
Smart Start-Quiet Reading -You could read outside in the shade if it is warm enough! Chat back on about 9:55.
Science – The Natural World – Forests
Watch this video that explains how amazing forests are https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/love-nature/forests?dm_i=38LF,118RN,3D1I49,3XV9F,1#making
Learning Activity-Choose
1.Create a forest habitat-Into the forest egg box habitat
2.If you don’t have the materials to make the diorama you could draw a forest scene.
3.Try one of the following quizzes from this page: https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/quizzes
4.Complete this worksheet(some is based on the video you watched):Forests_Worksheet
5. Create some art work outside using natural materials. Take a photo!
Plenary – watch this film – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjpiSzGYC-I&feature=youtu.be to hear from
Christiane Dorion about her job as a children’s author and why she was inspired to write about the natural world.
After Break
11am one minute silence to remember those that suffered in WW2.
Meet a veteran(Ian) – watch this video- http://learning.poppyscotland.org.uk/veday75/vv-ianforsyth/
Then answer the questions about him-Questions about Ian you might want to have a look at the questions before you watch the video . When you are ready mark your answers:Answers about Ian
If you are interested in listening to more veterans you can find out about Mary: http://learning.poppyscotland.org.uk/veday75/vv-marysim/ or Charles http://learning.poppyscotland.org.uk/veday75/vv-charleshorne/
Before you go:Something for the week-end. This is a link to KIDS LAB – science experiments in the home. https://www.sciencefestival.co.uk/event-details/kids-lab
Also if you enjoyed learning about forests here is a clip with more BRILLIANT information about forests and FANTASTIC images (it is 50 minutes long.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um2Q9aUecy0