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Happy Monday Primary 1/2 11.5.20

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and you are bright and ready for another week of home learning. There will be new packs issued this week so don’t worry if you are running out of activity sheets.

Why not start the week off with a Fischy Music assembly. Below is the link for last week (week 7) if you follow the link it will take you to week 8.

I hope you enjoyed that, sometimes singing is a great way to lift your mood if you are feeling a little blue or sluggish.


Visit Oxford Owls ebooks to access the new book for this week.

The username and password  – deans12  mrsstevenson

With the help of an adult read the story ‘Leek Hotpot‘. Before you start, can you make a prediction as to what you think might happen in the story?  This story should help us revise the sound ‘ee‘, how many times can you spot it in the story?

You will need to use your ‘decoding‘ skills to tackle any tricky words you come across. To be successful at this remember to,

  • Look at the first sound
  • Chunk up the word -(is there a word within the word?)
  • Use the pictures for clues
  • Read around the word (miss it out, can you think of a word which might fit in and make sense?)

Once you have read the story you can have a go at both of the accompanying activities one and two, focusing on reading ee words and matching them with their rhyming partner and secondly listening for sounds within the words.

Good luck and remember you can choose an activity from the guided reading Home learning grid also.

Guided Reading homelearning grid

Have a go at this online game to help with reading and writing CVC words.

Visit – ‘slides’ – Here you have to choose the last letter to complete the CVC word.

I have added a new game on the Home Learning section of our Educationcity class area, it’s called ‘Snug as a Bug in a Tub’ – it focuses on using the middle ‘u’ sound to complete CVC words.. have a go, can’t wait to see your scores!


New sound /sh/ this is a green sound formed by using the flat middle section of your tongue! Have a look at your mouth in the mirror whilst you make this sound.  Think about what your tongue is doing. Is it a loud or quiet sound? shhhhhhhhhh… it’s a quiet sound and stretchy sound (like our snake).

Can you think of any words which contain the /sh/ sound? Write down as many as you can think of, even look around your house for inspiration.  Here is our trusty friend Geraldine to help us out if we are stuck thinking of some /sh/ words.

Here is a list of /sh/ words.

Ask an adult to read them out to you and have a go at writing them down.

Sh -e -d           sh -ee- p        sh- o- p       sh – i -p

f -i- sh             c -a- sh          d -i -sh        m -a -sh

If you don’t get them first time, keep practising, use the spelling grid in your home learning pack to give you some different practise ideas. For example, rainbow writing,  pavement chalk writing…there are an endless amount of ideas.  I’ve added a copy of the grid below for convenience.

Hands-on-spelling-fun-to-use-with-any-word-list-Childhood101 (1)

Finally have a go at writing your own silly sentence containing as many /sh/ words as you can think of! The sillier the better! If you can’t think of one, here is mine. Have an adult read it to you and you can copy it down. Don’t forget to listen carefully and sound out all the words and of course don’t forget the capital letter, full stop and finger spaces.

The sheep had a dish from the fish shop. 


Numeracy and Maths

Daily 10

Let’s continue with working on adding on ten. To warm up, here is a clip from Miss Swanson’s favourite you-tuber, Jack Hartmann. You can join in once you are feeling confident.

Here are your questions for today. I have added the 100 square below to help you out if you need it.

  1. 20        2. 67     3. 10    4. 25    5. 61       6. 90     7. 23     8. 50       9. 30      10. 74


Today I thought we could have a making a ‘money animal’. Ask an adult to lend you any loose change they have and you can fix them into the shape of your desired animal. I really like the giraffe.

This is a great activity for getting you used to handling different coins, thinking about their size, shape, colour and of course how much they are worth! If you fancy a challenge can you add up how much your animal is? I wonder who can make the most expensive animal and I wonder who can make the least expensive animal?

Please email any pictures of you coin animals, I’d love to see them.


I thought I would remind you all of this song from last term when we were talking about ‘Build up’s’, have you built anyone up lately? Have a think about what it means to build someone up and to tear someone down.  Try and give at least one build up to someone in you household today!

Have a great day boys and girls, enjoy all your tasks and I will see you tomorrow back here for some more home learning.

Don’t forget to visit Sum Dog and Education City for lots of games added into our class areas.

Mrs Stevenson


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