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Primary 2 - Thursday 21st May 2020

Good morning everyone! I hope you all enjoyed Wellbeing Wednesday! Here are some learning activities for today to go alongside your packs that you have at home.


Mrs Anderson has set you a writing task this week! Write a letter to one of your friends from school. Tell them what you have been doing at home and what you miss about them. I have attached a basic letter layout for you to have a look at to remind yourselves how we write a letter.

Learning Intention: We are learning to write about our experiences.

Success Criteria: – I can write a title.

– I can write 2 or 3 sentences about what I have been doing.

-I can draw a picture or choose a photo to attach to my letter.


On Tuesday, we practised the 2 times table. Today, we are going to practise the 5 times table! Watch the song first to remind yourself of the 5 times table and then have a go at answering the questions. Once you have completed the questions, play the game I have attached below!

  • 1 x 5
  • 2 x 5
  • 3 x 5
  • 4 x 5
  • 5 x 5
  • 5 x 6
  • 5 x 7
  • 5 x 8
  • 5 x 9
  • 5 x 10


This week, your challenge is to draw a self-portrait! A self-portrait is a drawing of yourself. You could do this by looking in a mirror, by looking at a picture of yourself, or just imagine what you look like. Can you include a background so there is no white space? I have included some pictures for inspiration.

Special Activity

Mrs Anderson needs your help! Please see the document attached below for details.

Mrs Anderson needs your help


username – deansprimary2      password – missborsbey

Can you create a new blurb for the book?

Green group – Silver Foil Rocket

Purple group – Number Poems

Pink group – Spots!

Yellow group – Mix, Mix, Mix

Blue group – Kipper’s Diary


Have a great day everyone! I will be back tomorrow with some more learning activities!

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