Primary 1/2 21.5.20
Good Morning Everyone!
Welcome back to the blog and I hope you enjoyed all the ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ activities. Remember to keep working through your packs of home learning and using any of these activities to supplement your learning.
This week we have been reading ‘The Toys Party’ through oxford owls ebooks. You can access the story through this website –
Our user name is deans12 and the password is mrsstevenson
With the help of an adult access the story and have another read through focusing on any words you found challenging previously.
You can either choose one of the activities from the guided reading grid or you can complete the activity below.
Jumbled sentences
Read the sentences below, they are all jumbled up. Can you put them back into the correct order so that the sentence makes sense? Remember the capital letter will go at the start and the full stop at the end.
- wanted Kipper party. a
- toys. got He his
- put cornflakes. He in
- baked beans. in put He
- cross. was Mum
I’ve included a link to a fun game ‘Viking Full Circle‘ to help you practise reading and spelling CVC words. You can choose any phase you feel comfortable with.
Below is a game to help you revise the new sound /ch/ (the link is for ch despite it being labelled as /sh/ ). Remember the ch sound will go either at the start or the end of the word.
Digraph /sh/, Phonics game to practice the consonant digraph /sh/
I spy with my little eye…….
How many ch words can you find in the picture below? Write down as many as you can, listen really carefully to each sound in the word to help you with your spelling.
/ch/ handwriting
Today let’s have a go at trying to write the /ch/ sound using a join between the c and the h. Below is a little example for you to have a look at to help you practise.
This is how the join should look. Don’t forget to..
- Use a sharp pencil
- Rest your letters on the line
- Make sure your letters are the right size
- Don’t lift your pencil off until you are finished
Don’t forget to self assess your work with ‘Green for Growth‘ and ‘Tickled Pink’.
Finally, I have added a game onto our home learning section of Educationcity called ‘Cheeping chicks‘ – have a go… can’t wait to see all your scores! Good Luck!
Daily Ten
Focus on ten less again. Below is the 100 square to help you.
- 60 2. 75 3. 40 4. 100 5. 21 6. 90 7. 49 8. 20 9. 50 10. 80
Number talks
I thought I would give you a number talk challenge like we do in class. All you have to do is say/write how you ‘see’ the dots. There is an example for you to follow if you feel unsure. Remember there are lots of different ways to see the dots. Remember to use the + and = in the correct place and check your totals.
Health and Well being/Art and Design
We have been focusing on what makes a good friend, and to have good friends we’ve got to be a good friend. Today I want you to think of the most important quality to you in a friend. Maybe it is being kind, thoughtful or funny. I thought we could make a friendship flower picture. Ask an adult to help you make the word you choose using sticky tape (you will have to double it up to make it sticky on both sides). Below are some examples… I think this would be a great activity to get you outdoors and searching for different pretty and colourful flowers/grasses and then create a beautiful picture.
I would love to see anything you create so don’t forget you can send pictures onto me at the school email address.
Story Time
I’m enjoying finding stories online for us to share. Today I thought we could watch and listen to ‘The Very Quiet Cricket’ by Eric Carle so grab some milk or your water bottle and enjoy!
If you listen carefully when you are next outside on your walk you might even hear some crickets, chirruping in the grass. What other sounds can you hear? What sense are you using?
You could even have a go at drawing your own is a tutorial below to guide you.
Good luck with all your home learning activities today. Mrs Lockhart will be taking over the blog tomorrow and I will see you back here on Monday for another week of learning. Have a great weekend!
Mrs Stevenson