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Primary One - Friday 29th May 2020

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Friday!

35+ Funny Happy Friday Quotes With Images

I hope you all had a brilliant day yesterday and managed to enjoy the sunshine and ice- cream (if you made some?) Some activities for you to complete today.

Activity 1- Free Phonics Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ... th sound

L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words

S.C. I can spell words with this sound

S.C. I can create a sentence

For today’s phonics activity I would like you to use the interactive game below from eduactioncity to help consolidate the th sound. Enjoy!

Also can you create a sentence by putting the words below in the correct order?

Also please check that you have complete all the th sheets from your home learning pack. Enjoy!

Activity 2 – Maths Free Measurement Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art ... Measure

L.I. to measure using non-standard units

S.C. I can use my feet to measure a variety of objects

I would like you to complete Measuring using your feet, Page 9 from you Home Learning Pack. You may not have the objects that it is asking you to measure  so why not get inventive and measure things in your room/house or in the garden  The important thing is to use your feet to measure. Remember Heel to Toe when measuring. Challenge –  can you find an object and estimate how many feet long it is then measure it using your feet. How accurate was your estimation?

Activity 3 – Numeracy Illustrations and Clipart. 764 Numeracy royalty free .../hp/

L.I. to count a collection

S.C. I can use one-to-one correspondence to count a given number

I would like you to turn to Counting to 20 home activity 6 from your home learning pack. Try activity 1 – collect 20 pegs/counters etc. and make number cards 11-20 , lay them face down on the table, turn one over and count out that many e.g. if you turn over a card with 15 then count out 15 pegs/counters etc. You can challenge yourself by increasing the cards to 30 or 40 (make sure you have that many objects to count) Enjoy!Then complete the next part of the page how many apples? and draw……… apples. Top  Tip– remember when counting the apples it may be a good idea to cross them off so you don’t count them twice or not at all.

Activity 4 – Art and Crafts Arts And Crafts Clipart Png

L.I. to use a range of media creatively

S.C. I can use my fingerprints to create an effect

As it is Friday, I thought you might like to try a little art activity. Below is a picture of a tree, a very personal tree. It is personal because the person who painted it used their fingerprints to create foliage. So why not try to make your own personal tree. Firstly, you need to draw the trunk and branches (as below, you may need a little help) then using your finger tips dip them in print (Make sure you don’t use too much or you won’t see the lines of your finger prints) and lastly decorate the tree with them. Enjoy! Alternatively you could use different shades of green and create a background for your tree.



Have a fantastic weekend. Take care and stay safe and I will post more activities on Monday.

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