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Monday 1st June Primary 1/2

Good Morning Boys and Girls!

Good morning boys and Girls, I hope you are ready for another week of home learning. Hopefully you all enjoyed the weather over the weekend and maybe got to finally meet up with some friends or family.

Let’s start off with a Monday morning assembly from the crew at Fischy Music. I have attached the link for last week’s assembly but, with the help of an adult you can follow the link to find this weeks’ (week 11).


Follow the link to access oxford owls e-books –                The  is username  deans12         password mrsstevenson

‘No Tricks, Gran’

Before reading have a think about a few questions.

  • What is your prediction for the story?
  • Who do you think will be the main characters in the story?
  • What do we already know about Gran?
  • What do you think has happened to Gran’s arm?

With the help of an adult, have a read through the story. Before you start think about all the things a good reader does, can you share them with an adult?

Once you have read the book have a go at the play activities 1 and 2.

You can choose an activity from your home learning guided reading grid or perhaps why not draw a scene from the story and add in some more speech bubbles. Think about what the characters in the background might be saying or thinking in each picture.

Finally, log onto Educationcity and I have added a game called ‘The Pet Shop’ where you have to listen to a sentence then put the words in order.


Our new sound this week is ‘j’. Here is a short clip to help introduce the sound to you.

Can you think of any other words which start with the j sound?

Here are some slides, can you identify the j word?

j can be a tricky letter to make sure it is facing the correct direction. Have a look at the slide below and see how quickly you can identify each letter. Think about how different each of them look. Try not to get tricked out!

Have a go at writing these J words. Have an adult read them out to you, can you hear each of the sounds to help you write the word? Draw a picture to go with each word you spell.

j – a -m            j – a – r          j – ee – p       j – e – t           j – u – m – p

j- u – g         j –  u – n – k

Finally, I have added a new game to Educationcity called ‘Jumping Jelly’. Good luck and have fun!

Numeracy and Maths

Daily Ten

We are going to keep a focus on revising topics we have covered so far this year.

  1. Double 3
  2. Double 2
  3.  What day was yesterday?
  4. What month are we in at the moment?
  5. How many days are in this month?
  6.  10 – ___ = 7
  7. 10 – ___= 5
  8. 10 – ___= 10
  9. 5+6 =
  10. 4+5 =

Number Talks 

Have another go at recognising what number is being represented on the rekenrek. You can write them down or shout them out. see if you can do it without counting… Good luck.

Dot Patterns

Here is another dot pattern number talk for you to have a go with.

Finally, I have set up another challenge on Sumdog, revising the properties of 2D shapes. Have fun!

Health and Well-being

When someone helps me, I feel………? 

Can you finish the sentence? It’s nice when someone helps you or shows that they care. I’m challenging you to do one thing a day, that helps someone. Maybe it’s make your brother’s bed or fetch your sister a snack, maybe it’s even just giving someone a compliment. Showing kindness and compassion towards others is so important especially in the world just now! Here are some examples below, some you will be unable to do just now but don’t worry even one little act of kindness can brighten someones day.

Have a great day everyone! I’ll see you tomorrow on the blog.

Mrs Stevenson

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