Primary One - Monday 1st June 2020
Good Morning everyone I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and have been enjoying this amazing sunny weather! Welcome to the brand new month of June. We have now moved from Spring into Summer!
Well it’s the beginning of another busy week of learning. So lets get started- some tasks for you to complete.
Activity 1 New Sound wh
L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound
S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape
S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words
S.C. I can write this sound
wh is a loud red lip sound. wh words often sound like w words when they are at the beginning of a word. Try blending these sounds together to make wh words.
wh – ee – l wh – i – p wh – i – s – k wh -i -s – p – e – r
A number of words with the wh sound at the beginning are questioning words. Have a go at blending these sounds together to make words.
wh – a – t wh – i – ch wh – e – n wh – e – r -e
Can you create a sentence for each of the wh questioning words? For example- What is your favourite season of the year? (remember when you are asking a question you always need to end the sentence with a question mark)
Now practice writing the wh sound in your jotter. When you have completed your handwriting practice try Find and Write the “wh” Words from your learning pack.
Activity 2 – Reading
L.I. to read and find information
S.C. I can use the pictures in the book as a clue to help me with unfamiliar words
S.C. I can read words I know in a sentence to help me predict what an unfamiliar word could be
S.C. I can choose the correct word to complete the sentence
For today’s book (non-fiction) I would like you to go to, My class login (password – deansprimary1, username- reading),e-books, mybookshelf, ages 5-6,scroll down to Fun at Night.
Enjoy sharing the story with someone at home then discuss and answer the questions on page 14. Enjoy!
Activity 3 – Numeracy Number Talks
L.I. to recognise a pattern
L.I. to make 10
S.C. I can show the steps I took to solve a problem
S.C. I can explain why I did it the way I did
S.C. I can check my answers and make sure my answer is correct
Remember Number Talks are all about how to solve a task mentally, so for the activities below just use your brain!
Two numbers talks today the first one – How many dots are there and how do you see them?
The second one is a little bit different – the question (for each ten frame) is how many dots do you see and how many more to make 10?
Can you explain the strategy you used? For example, I may say “I see 4 dots and I already know that 4 and 6 make 10, so I would need 6 more dots to fill the 10 frame.
Activity 4 – Numeracy –
L.I. to count back from a given number
S.C. I can use concrete materials to “take away” from a number or a collection
S.C. I can use a number line to “jump back”
For the rest of this week we are going to focus on subtraction or “take away”. You can use concrete materials, or a number line to help support your thinking. I would like you to complete Subtracting 1 and 2 Home Activity 11 from you Home Learning Pack. You may also like to play Sten’s Party Count back from 10 which is on Educationcity (remember your password in inside your jotter) Enjoy!
Activity 5- Health and Well being Relationships
L.I. to explore different relationships
S.C. I can recongise qualities that I have as a person and a friend
I would like you to think about different ways that you could give someone encouragement for example, you may say they are a great footballer player, a fantastic singer, good at writing etc. Receiving praise helps us to feel good about ourselves and it is also important to be able to praise ourselves and recognise our own qualities. I would like you to think about all the things you do that make you feel proud and then complete I am incredible because …………….. sheet from your Learning Pack.
Do you remember this song, have a listen and share it with someone at home.
Have a great day! More activities tomorrow.