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Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 04.06.20

Good Morning Everyone!

Happy Thursday girls and boys, I hope everyone enjoyed yesterday’s Wellbeing Wednesday! We’re coming to the end of another busy week of home learning with the summer holidays fast approaching!

Let’s start off our day with a little yoga to calm our minds, stretch our bodies and get ready to learn.


Today I thought we could have a focus on a non -fiction text. Can you remember what the difference between fiction and non-fiction is? Have a look through the suggested book on oxford owls e-books and see if you can share the differences you notice with an adult. Visit –       username  deans12   password mrsstevenson

The non-fiction text we will be looking at today is called ‘Fun at Night’ 

Before reading have a think about what this book is going to help us learn about, can you make a prediction?  Can you think of anything you can do which is fun at night? Discuss this with an adult.

With the help of an adult read through the book, it is especially important to use and talk about the pictures before reading the sentence,  searching for any tricky words or words you don’t know the meaning of? Can you use your word attack strategies to read the word? Once you and your adult have read through the book together, there are some questions for you below. Can you remember the answers or do you have to scan through the book to find the right page with the answer?

  1. Why do all these animals have big eyes?
  2. What does a fox hunt?
  3. Why do some small bugs light up at night?
  4. What can you normally see at dusk?
  5. What do bats like to feed on?
  6. On what page can we learn about ‘The dragon’?
  7. On what page can we learn about dusk?

Finally, a fun book to have a listen to is  Night Monkey, Day Monkey by my favourite author, Julia Donaldson – Grab your milk or water and get comfy!

What differences between the day and night do you notice from the story?

Why don’t you have a go at drawing your own nighttime/daytime picture? Or you could use the picture below to draw and label some pictures, sorting into daytime or nighttime.


Today we are going to have a go at using our imaginations to write a story. Think about all the things that a good writer does and share these with an adult.

I have chosen a picture for you to look at, this is from one of my favourite cartoons when I was little, it is called ‘Trap Door’. A trap door is a mysterious door fitted onto the ground. I wonder what is under there? Can you use your five senses to help you imagine what could be beneath the door?

There was a strange sound coming from under the trap door. Slowly the door creaked open and .…………

Make sure you are writing in full sentences –

  • Capital letters
  • Full stop at the end
  • Letters resting on the line
  • Use your sounds to help you spell the trickier words

Good luck… be as imaginative as you can be! I’d really love to read some of your stories, so if an adult can send any pictures of work into the school email address that would be amazing!

Numeracy and Maths

Daily Ten

Here are your daily ten questions for today.

  1. What day was yesterday?
  2. What month comes after June?
  3. How many Wednesdays are there in June?
  4. How many sides does a square have?
  5. How many sides does a rectangle have?
  6. Double 6
  7. Double 8
  8. 9 – 3 =
  9. 7 – 5=
  10. 10 -1=

Today I would like you to practise your number bonds for ten using a pack of cards and an adult to play with you. Here is the game….


I have attached a number bonds worksheet for you to use outside to help you practise making ten in different ways. How many different natural materials can you find to make the addition calculation?


Good luck with all of your home learning tasks for today. Mrs Lockhart will be posting on the blog tomorrow and I will see you all back here on Monday. Have a fabulous weekend.

Mrs Stevenson

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