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Primary 2 - Thursday 4th June 2020

Good morning everyone! I hope you all enjoyed Wellbeing Wednesday yesterday! You should now have your new packs of learning to work through. If you haven’t already collected yours, they are available from school now. Here are some learning activities to go with your packs this week.


Today, I thought it would be great if we could do some writing about the weather. I would like you to write an imaginative story all about a person who lives on the sun! This is not possible in real life but it is great to use your imagination! You can make up the characters for the story, and it can be about anything you like, as long as the setting of your story is the sun. Happy imagining!


I would like us to recap counting by 2s, 5s and 10s. knowing these number facts will help us when learning our times tables! Watch each of the songs and try to sing along!

Tricky Words

This week’s tricky words are: because, week, keep, when. Look at the words below and fill in the missing letters to complete each trick word.

  • be_a_s_
  • k_ _p
  • _ee_
  • _ _ en

Can you make up your own word challenge for someone at home?


username – deansprimary2      password – missborsbey

Can you identify the beginning, middle and end of the story?

Green group – The ice rink

Purple group – Silver foil rocket

Pink group – The ox and the yak

Yellow group – The dragon balloon

Blue group – The big carrot

Have a great day everyone!

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