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P5 Tuesday 9th June

Good Morning everybody. Let’s get energized.Choose the Joe Wicks workout: or anything else you like.

Smart start –Newsround

Then write 3 sentences about what you have learnt.Extension – If you finish check out the rest of the Newsround website or catch up with any other work you need to finish.Chat will go back on about 9:55 to discuss learning.

Numeracy-Subtraction – LI -to use formal methods

First watch this video:

Then go to this worksheet:Formal subtraction


Spicy-complete question 1

Spicier -complete question 2

Spiciest-complete-question 3 and 4

Extension – if you have time-why not try the remaining questions in the Apply section?

Don’t forget to mark-Subtraction answers

After Break


Yesterday was ‘World Ocean Day.’ Watch this .

Then read this amazing fact pack about dolphins. It will also give you ideas for how to set out your own information report that you are creating for your personal project.Dolphins

Literacy-Spelling-LI to spell words with common endings (ial)

Choose one of the following:

  1. Using a dictionary go on a word hunt and find as many words that end with ial as you can e.g. official. Then write an interesting sentence with each word in it.
  2. ial wordsearch
  3. Read the following text and write down in your jotter all the ial words-you could sort them into columns!ial sounds

Extensions-if you have time you could :

Go to Sumdog spellings, continue to practise the words from last week’s spelling list or write ‘ial’ words in chalk outside or paint the words if you have paint.

After Lunch

Health – resilience alphabet –K is for kind

Personal Project  (about 30 minutes)

Finish your research if you need to. Hopefully by now you have decided how you would like to present your information. Here is a checklist to remind you how to set out your information report:West Lothian Genre target

Remember your information report/presentation could be a PowerPoint, word document, magazine, leaflet, information book or Factfile.

Remember this should be a detailed presentation-you have 3 weeks to complete it!I will, of course, give you time during the afternoon when we are on TEAMS. When you have finished your research you can begin your presentation.



1.If you have a printer have a go at this colouring sheet:002-dolphin-colouring

2. Make a dolphin-mobile-

3.Draw and colour your own under water ocean scene.

Science Practical Activities If you have the equipment and/or maybe someone to help you choose one of the following activities.(Or save them for a rainy day.)

Scared Pepper (simple equipment needed )

Dancing Raisins(simple equipment needed )

Before you go: If you are interested in mountains you can learn about them here:

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