Primary 3 - Tuesday 9th June
Hello everybody! Remember to keep working through your new packs of learning.
Watch Newsround – note down any key things you have found out today to share with someone at home.
Have a check in with everyone at home – ask how everyone is and how they are feeling today. Share how you are and how you are feeling too.
Today we are going to have a look at some ALLITERATION – Alliteration is when words start with the same sound: For example, Sammy the slippery snake came sliding. Alliteration is used in both written and spoken English. You can find examples in poetry, advertising and events commentary. It is often used in newspaper headlines to grab the reader’s attention.
I would like you to have a look around your house, online, or wherever you can to see where you can find examples of alliteration in BOOK TITLES (Stuart Reid uses loads of these in is books, so he might be a good one to research!), NEWSPAPER HEADLINES etc. Make a list of as many you can find. Here’s a couple of examples for you, I know you will have heard of a few of these book titles:
Can you create your own Book Title or Newspaper Headline (maybe connected to what is happening in our lives just now!) using ALLITERATION. Create a Book Cover or Newspaper Cover with your Title and some images.
Remember to complete the writing task that Miss Taylor posts on our Blog this week!
Let’s start with this – Write the numbers 20 – 50 in words and digits.
We are going to continue to look at Number pairs with two digit numbers to make the next multiple of 10 – eg 52+___ = 60. Try the task attached below:
Add to next multiple of 10 – for Tues 9th June
Play on The Mental Maths Train Game -practise adding and subtracting and if you fancy a challenge, try the multiplication!
As we don’t have long until the end of term, we thought instead of starting a new topic together that you could do a mini project of your own to work on until the Summer holidays. You can pick an animal, a sport, a hobby, a type of car, a singer/group you like – anything like that, to do your own research project on. Start off using the mind map below to record what you know already about your chosen topic, then collect as many facts, information, and pictures as you can. Remember to make your facts interesting and fun! If you can print pictures that would be great, but it would also be amazing to see of your own drawings, models and creations! We can use this to share with each other when we are back to school after the Summer!
We are going to revisit our numbers in French. This task looks at the numbers up to 100.
Use the link below, read the instructions carefully and work your way through the activities and games:
We have been looking at healthy eating and now we are moving on to learning about sleep. It is another important part of keeping healthy.
Watch the powerpoint then complete the worksheet to go with it. We will learn more about sleep next week.
P.3 short vers -sleep-cycles-powerpoint- – TUES 9th JUNE
p.3 sleep worksheet – TUES 9th JUNE
Practise your acting skills and using your voice to portray different characters with the script attached below, based around the event in history of The Great Fire of London (links nicely with our IDL topic). Ask your family to get involved taking on some of the roles – have fun!!!!!
Hope you enjoy Wellbeing Wednesday with your family tomorrow – Remember to look on here for the activities for this week! Mrs Lockhart and Mrs Morrison will be with you on Thursday and Friday posting some more great activities for you.
Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your week!!
Mrs Hillan