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P3- Friday 12th June

Good morning P3!! I hope you have all had a great week. Here are some learning activities for you to complete:


You are all invited to take part in Deans Primary School ‘Virtual’ Sports Day on Tuesday 16th June.  Letters will be sent home via e-mail, make sure you and your grown up look out for the instructions and have FUN!!!


As we are continuing to learn about capacity, I have attached some potion worksheets for you to complete. Remember to record your answers in your home learning jotters.


Also, here are some challenge cards for you to try!! Ask a grown up to help you.



We are going to look at a new topic,’ dissolving’ To deepen our understanding,we first need to find out more about water. I didn’t realise water had so many properties!! Watch the following clip and then I have attached some practical activities for you to complete, enjoy!!

dissolving activity

Water turbines

Fitness Friday

Let’s finish off  keeping our bodies fit and healthy by joining in a fitness workout. Ask other members of your family to join in too!!

Have a lovely weekend and I will check in with you all soon.



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