Happy Monday Primary 1/2 15.06.20
Good Morning Everybody!
Happy Monday boys and girls, I hope you all had a lovely and relaxing weekend and are ready for another week of home learning.Keep working through your new packs and checking in here for additional activities. I can’t believe we only have two weeks left of this term and then it is the summer holidays. Seeing we have such a short time together left, I thought we could do something different and go on a trip…… To DISNEY… So buckle up and let’s go!
Disney Day One!
Create a passport that you can use during your trip! Remember to include a front cover, your name, a picture of yourself and lots of space for characters names! Each time you see a character this week in a ride, video or song, make sure to write their name in your passport! How many characters will you meet by the end of the week?
Learning Intention: I am learning to create an eye-catching design.
Success Criteria:
- I can create a front cover
- I can include: my name and age
To go on today’s the rides you must be taller than:
-6 pieces of cutlery
-6 of your own shoes/socks
-3 books
-15 blades of grass
Estimate and then measure whether you are tall enough to ride!
Extension/P2: If you have a measuring tape/ruler, you could measure how tall you are. Can you find 3 things that are taller and 3 things that are shorter than you. Measure the height of each thing.
Learning Intention: I am learning to measure and estimate height.
Success Criteria:
P1 – I can estimate the height. I can measure carefully
P2 – I can use a tape measure/ruler accurately. I can compare heights
Take a tour of Donald Duck’s house boat. What can you see? Draw and label 5 things that you can see inside his house.
Challenge: Can you think of a story using Donald Duck’s house as the setting?
P2: Write about how Donald Duck’s house is different to yours, for example, my windows are not circles and I do not dry my washing on my roof!
Learning Intention:
P1: I am learning to sound out words
P2: I am learning to write about a setting
Success Criteria:
P1 – I can draw in detail. I can sound out short words to add labels
P2 – I can write in sentences. I can identify differences.
Task: Enjoy the ‘It’s a Small World’ ride. The ride shows many countries and places around the world.
P1: Find out 2 facts about another country You could add photos/drawings/text to the template or record yourself saying what you have found out.
P2: Compare Scotland with another country. You might think about: weather, food, attractions/scenery, events and celebrations, flags or anything else you are interested in. You could present your information in a poster or by speaking
Learning Intention: I am learning about other countries and cultures
Success Criteria:
P1: I can find out 3 facts about another country
P2: I can find out information about a country. I can think about how this compares to Scotland
Watch the Frozen ride – how many words can you think of that rhyme with snow? Record yourself saying all of the words that you can think of or write them down in your jotters.
Challenge: Make a silly sentence using as many of the words as you can.
P2: Write down your list and create a silly story using lots of rhyming words.
Learning Intention: I am learning to produce rhymes
Success Criteria:
- P1 – I can produce a rhyme
- P2 – I can write a silly sentence or story using rhyming words
That’s it for today boys and girls, hope you had fun with these different types of activities. Tomorrow is our virtual sports day, so make sure your gym kit is clean and ready to go!!
Mrs Stevenson