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Primary 3 - Tuesday 16th June



Hello everybody! Remember to keep working through your packs of learning.

Remember, today is……..

Take a look at our Virtual Sports Day activities!!



Watch Newsround – note down any key things you have found out today to share with someone at home.

Have a check in with everyone at home – ask how everyone is and how they are feeling today. Share how you are and how you are feeling too.


Today we are going to continue to have a look at some ALLITERATIONAlliteration is when words start with the same sound: For example, Sammy the slippery snake came sliding. Alliteration is used in both written and spoken English. You can find examples in poetry, advertising and events commentary. It is often used in newspaper headlines to grab the reader’s attention.


Have a look at the sheet below which has loads of ALLITERATION ideas. Use these to create some silly sentences. For example:

‘The elephant ate eggs with the elf whilst he sealed the envelopes.’

T-L-6184-Alliteration-Ideas-Sheet – FOR TUES 16TH JUNE



Writing – Look at some cereal boxes. They make them eye-catching so that you want to pick them. Design a new label for a cereal box. What eye-catching information will you add? Can you use an exclamation mark? I’ve included some examples below:


Create a Class Survival Book – Create a page for a book that can be put together in the new term to tell the next class how things work in Primary 3 – what things do you do and learn? What daily jobs do you have? What are the rewards and sanctions in class?

This is Miss Taylor’s writing task this week:




Let’s start with this – Write the numbers 50-70 in words and digits.

We are going to continue looking at doubling and halving. Try these two tasks. For the first one, it gets progressively harder, so do what you can!

Doubling-and-Halving 1 – FOR TUES 16th June

Doubling & Halving for TUES 16th JUNE


Play on The Mental Maths Train Game -practise adding and subtracting, and if you fancy a challenge, try the multiplication!


Play the game Fruit Fall – answer the data handling questions based on how many pieces of fruit you catch.




Let’s have another look at sleep.

Watch the powerpoint again it has an added bit on now. Then complete the worksheet to go with it.

-first-level-sleep-cycles-powerpoint-english_shorter 2 – FOR TUES 16th JUNE

p.3 sleep worksheet FOR TUES 16th JUNE


 Hope you enjoy Wellbeing Wednesday with your family tomorrow. Mrs Lockhart and Mrs Morrison will be with you on Thursday and Friday posting some more great activities for you.

Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your week!!

Mrs Hillan

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