Primary One - Friday 19th June 2020
Good Morning Primary One ! I hope you are all well and enjoyed yesterday’s sunshine.
A few tasks for you to complete today.
Activity 1 – Writing
L.I. to write instructions
S.C. I can list the steps you need to take to put sun cream on
We have discussed in class why it is important to always use SPF creams when we are out enjoying the sunshine. We don’t want anyone to burn their skin as we know it can be painful and dangerous. Today I would like you to write a set of instructions on how to put sun cream on properly. Have a look at the youtube clip it may be helpful.
Remember when writing instructions you must list them (as below)
Activity 2 –
L.I. to add and subtract numbers
S.C. I can add 2 numbers together to find a total
S.C. I can take a smaller number away from a larger number to find a total
I would like you to complete Addition and Subtraction to 20 Summer Mosaic sheet from your home learning pack. You have to solve the calculations in order to reveal a picture. Remember you can use concrete materials or a number line to help you.
Activity 3 – Random Acts of Wildness
Today’s challenge
Throw seeds and soil in hard to reach places. It will be interesting to see what eventually grows.
Activity 4 – Disney’s Virtual Trip
L.I. I am learning to identify ways to keep myself safe.
S.C. I can explain ways that I can keep myself safe.
Safety Rules
Look at the video of Disney Land. Can you think of any rules or things that you would need to do to keep safe at the park? Think about what you should do on rides, who you would speak to and any extra rules that you can think of.
Challenge – Can you create a safety poster to display the rules?
Have a great weekend. I will be back on Monday with some more activities. It will be your last week in Primary One!!