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Primary One - Monday 21st June 2020

Good Morning Everyone and welcome to your last week in Primary 1.

It has been a very quick and eventful year and definitely not one that we planned however, you have still managed to achieve lots of successes and should be very proud of yourselves!  Some task for you to complete today.

Activity 1 – New Sound ou

L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound

S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to create words

Today’s new sound is ou. This sound lives in Inky’s Vowel House .


As you can see the ou sound lives on the bottom floor under the oi sound. The sailor is so excited that he falls out of the crow’s nest and breaks his arm and it hurts. He says “ou”.

The youtube video below maybe helpful with pronunciation of the sound.

Can you slide the sounds together to say the words below?

l – ou – d     c – l – ou – d      h – ou – s – e    m – ou – s – e     r – ou – n – d

f – ou – n – d      s – ou – n – d

Practice writing the ou sound and words in you jotter then complete the 2 ou Words Cut and Paste from your home learning Pack.

Activity 2 – Numeracy and Maths

L.I.  to understand and solve a word problem

S.C. I can understand what the problem is asking me to do

S.C. I can use pictures, numbers and words to explain what I did and how I did it

Some more math’s challenge cards for you to enjoy!

Activity 3 – Random Acts of Wildness

Today’s Challenge – Mediate in the wild


Activity 4- Virtual Trip

L.I. to read a map and give directions

S.C. I can use a simple map

S.C. I can give detailed directions on how to get somewhere

Look at the map of Disney Land. Can you find your way through the map?

1 Start at the Entrance and go to Donald’s house boat.

2 Start at the log flume and go to the rollercoaster.

3 Start at the pond and go to the Frozen ride.

Challenge: Can you give detailed directions on how to get from each place to the next. For example, “Turn left then go straight until you get to the pond”.

Have a great everyone and I will be back tomorrow with some more activities.



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