Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Good Morning Everyone! Happy Tuesday!
Some tasks for you to complete today.
Activity 1 – ou sound and
L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound
S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape ou
S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words
For today’s task I would like you to practice reading the following sentences. In each sentence you will find words with either the igh, oi or ou sound in them. Can you read the sentences to different members of your family? If you find any words tricky why not practice writing them in you jotter? Remember to use your super blending skills.
Activity 2 –
L.I. to recognise number bonds up to 10
S.C. I can find 2 numbers when added together make 10
L.I. to match numerals to number words
S.C. I can read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numbers and words
Enjoy playing the 2 games below from educationcity. Remember you can log in at anytime and try out other numeracy, maths and literacy activities. Enjoy!
Activity 3 – Random Acts of Wildness
Today’s challenge
Use twigs, string and leaves or paper birds to make a wild mobile!
Activity 4 – Disney’s Virtual Trip
L.I. to identify and compare the weather in various places
S.C. I can identify the weather and understand the weather is different around the world
S.C. I can find out the temperature in various parts of the world. I can compare temperatures
Today’s challenge- Good luck and enjoy!
Have a great day. Remember tomorrow is “Wellness Wednesday” so I will be back with you on Thursday.