Good morning boys, girls and parents. This will be the last blog of the school year so I have included lots of activities and ideas that you could use over the holidays
We all wanted to send you a message
Keeping Active
There are lots of Goonoodle dance video’s for you to access using this link:
First make the cabbage water by roughly chopping a red cabbage and boiling until the colour is extracted. Strain and put to one side to cool.
Assemble your ingredients in containers – we used some nice bottles I found in Flying Tiger along with some beakers from a science set.
Think up names for the different ingredients. Have a look at the book for inspiration or come up with your own!
Start by giving each child a jar containing some cabbage water.
Allow them to add ingredients as they wish, EXCEPT for the vinegar…save that until last.
Enjoys their oohs and aahs as their dream potions change colour!
When their dreams are ‘ready’ allow them to add the vinegar (‘liquid imagination’, I think we called it). Make sure you have a tray or a mat underneath! This gets messy!
To begin, colour about 1/2 cup of water with food colouring.
Take the Alka Seltzer tablets and break them into 2 or 3 pieces. Place them in a small cup or container.
Fill a glass about 3/4 full with vegetable oil. Then pour in the coloured water until the liquid in the cup is about 5cm from the top.
You don’t want it to overflow! Well, unless you want to turn it into an eruption experiment too. For this reason and quick clean up, I like to do this on a tray.
Let the children take turns adding a piece of an Alka Seltzer table to the cup. *DO NOT let them put the tablet in their mouth at any time.
Make tunnels from card and sellotape and make up a little game for you and your child to try and roll the balls through the tunnels. Use any kind of small ball for this.
You can use the tape to mark out a road/garage or rooms on the floor to make a castle/house/dungeon for children who like to play with small world (dolls,figures, characters). Ask them what they would like. This encourages imaginative play.
Creative Activities
Making Grass Heads
You will need:
Empty plastic tub or cup
Sticky eyes, pompoms, etc to create the face on the tub
Grass seeds or Cress seeds
Let your child make a face on the outside of the tub using the art resources. You could use felt pens if the tub is white but this won’t show up on a clear tub once filled with soil.
Fill the tub to just below the top of the tub with soil.
Press the grass or cress seeds lightly into the soil and water.
Place the tubs in a bright area and watch them begin to grow. Remember to water them regularly.
Marbling Pictures
You will need:
Large bowl or flat tray filled with water
Vegetable oil
Different food colourings
White paper
Watch the following video to see how to create marbling pictures:-
Make a Kite
Make an easy kite to fly when on your walk. You can decorate it with stickers, or colour it in. Watch this video to see how to do it:
At home: When you get home maybe you could have a look in your house for more shapes and letters and you could cut them out and make your own poster or name card!
Some painting crafts using all sorts of different materials
Gummy bear slime –
1 cup gummy bears
2 Tablespoons icing sugar
2 Tablespoons cornflour
1 teaspoon coconut oil, optional
Heat the gummy bears in the microwave for 10-15 seconds, stir, and reheat as necessary to break down the gummy bear shape. (Be sure to use a microwave-safe bowl and handle carefully).
Stir and then knead in your icing sugar and cornflour in equal amounts, until the gummy bear slime forms a cohesive dough/slime consistency.
The more you add, the less sticky the slime will be – but also the more you add the thicker and less stretchy it will be, so try to find that perfect sweet spot.
Children love to smoosh, squish, stretch and taste this delicious gummy bear slime!
Adding the coconut oil makes it more stretchy. You can play about with the recipe to find how you like it.
Playdough monsters
Make playdough monsters with googly eyes, pipe cleaners, feathers, lolly pop sticks or any other materials you have lying around that your child could add and stick on. Encourage your childs imaginations and talk about what monster you have both made.
Make your own Playdough
This super-easy playdough recipe is the perfect way to spend a rainy afternoon inside. It’s quick enough to hold a young child’s attention and you only need a few storecupboard ingredients. Little hands can play with the results straightaway, so there’s immediate gratification for all involved!
Makes 1 coloured ball Prep 10 minutes
You will need
8 tbsp plain flour
2 tbsp table salt
60ml warm water
food colouring
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. In a separate bowl mix together the water, a few drops of food colouring and the oil.
2. Pour the coloured water into the flour mix and bring together with a spoon.
3. Dust a work surface with a little flour and turn out the dough. Knead together for a few minutes to form a smooth, pliable dough. If you want a more intense colour you can work in a few extra drops of food colouring.
4. Store in a plastic sandwich bag (squeeze out the air) in the fridge to keep it fresh. You can make a batch of colours and give away as kids’ party bag favours or hold a playdough party for your child’s next birthday.
All the staff want to wish you a fantastic summer holiday. Please feel free to keep adding to your Learners Journey over the holidays it will be great to see what you have been doing.
Keep safe and well and we look forward to seeing you all in August!!!!!!