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Welcome To Primary 1B


Welcome to our Primary 1B class blog. We will use this space to share all the many successes in our learning and to keep all the parents and carers up to date with what is going on in our class.

We have had a very successful first full week back in Primary One B. All the children have settled into school life and are already making big steps in their learning. It’s been a busy busy week. Here are some of our learning highlights.

Recognising, building and writing our names.

We have been working hard to write our names every day. We use the magnetic letters to build our names and put the letters in the correct order and then have a go at writing it on our own. We are getting so good and practise certainly does make perfect.

Learning about numbers

We have also started learning all about numbers. We know that numbers are EVERYWHERE in our world so it is important that we can recognise and write our numbers. We have been getting lots of practise at doing this already with some of the activities in the classroom.

Story TimeĀ 

One of our most favourite times of the day in Primary One B is story time. We have read some fantastic books already and would like to share a few with you.

Giraffes Can’t Dance.

This is a story about a giraffe called Gerald who is laughed at because he can’t dance. Thankfully the story has a happy ending but we won’t ruin it for you by telling you. After this story we made our own Gerald. We practised our cutting and sticking skills and painting to create two different types of Gerald, they look great on display in our classroom.

We also discussed all the things we were looking forward to achieving…the things we can’t do yet…… Here is some of our examples that we shared together.

Kaleb – I can’t wait to be able to drive a car!

Arianna and Saatvik – I can’t wait until I can ride my bike.

We also have been reading the story of the Rainbow Fish.

This is a wonderful story all aboutĀ  kindness and sharing. We worked hard create our own glittering scale to add to our class rainbow fish. It looks fantastic and it is going to form part of our class charter which we will be working on developing next week.

We are excited about next week’s learning already!






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