News From P1A
Hello and a huge welcome to all our new primary one parents and friends.
All of the children have settled in really well and are becoming more familiar with the daily school routine. I update our P1A blog every week, it is a lovely way for us to share our learning with you and keep you informed of up and coming events. I will include as many picture as I can because I know you will enjoy seeing all the super learning that’s going on. A little shout out here- if you have not returned your photograph consent form I would be grateful if you could so so, that I can post pictures of the children on this blog.
This week we have enjoying reading The Rainbow Fish and Giraffes Can’t Dance.
The books are about sharing, caring and things that we would like to be able to do (just like Gerald the Giraffe).These kinds of stories help us to think about our school values and how we treat others. I am hopeful that by next week we will have our class charter up and running. The sharing and agreeing of the charter is very important to ensure that we have the best learning environment possible (I will post pictures of it next week).
For our smart start activities this week we have been –
learning to recognise our names and attempting to write them.
Copying and continuing patterns
Threading to help with our fine motor skills
Forming numerals with playdough and other naturals materials.
In numeracy we have been recognising and ordering numbers, counting forward and back to 10 and beyond and playing lots of counting games.
On Wednesday, the children enjoyed their very first outdoor learning lesson with Mrs Dobbie and she is looking forward to spending Wednesday afternoons with them.
Most importantly the children have enjoyed exploring the classroom and getting to know one another again.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will update the blog next week, hopefully with lots of photographs of our learning.