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This week so far in P4!

Outdoor Learning

Primary 4 started the week off with outdoor learning with Mr Turner. The children continued learning about fables and the morals that are a feature of these tales. P4 were given the task of using natural resources in the surrounding area to help them to create a detailed setting for their fables to take place. Using their clay animal that they had made last week the pupils planned their stories and came up with a moral to their story. After the children then confidently performed, their fables and the audience were set the task of trying to guess the moral of the stories.



Primary 4 have also been sharing their knowledge and understanding of nouns, adjectives and verbs this week. The children were showing confidence while sharing what they already knoe or now know about these and how they could and will now use them in their writing.

“I know that I am a noun” (Derry)

“I enjoyed learning about these and I can now challenge myself to use these in my writing” (Lewis)

Also in literacy this week the children were challenged to show their knowledge of spelling patterns and sounds as there has been a strong focus towards spelling this week at Deans. The children all worked super hard during these sessions and showed great enthusiasm towards the discussion of unfamiliar words and sounds.


We continued to explore addition using chimney sums with 2,3 and 4 digit numbers with carrying. The children found this a challenge and were able to express this during group and individual discussions. They are now beginning to understand the process of carrying over and that it may be tricky at times but to keep going with it.

“I found it a challenge as I got mixed up with where to place the numbers I was carrying over” (Derry)

“It was fun” (Kayleigh)

“It was hard because I had to remember to add in the numbers I had carried over to the next column” (Shay)

Novel Study/ IDL

P4 used their activing skills this week to work as part of a group to act out a scene from what we have read so far in our class novel ‘Billionaire Boy’. The audience had to try and guess which scene it was.

“It was fun because I like performing to the group” (Summer)

The children also used their learning from this week to write a detailed character description of one of the main characters from our novel. P4 were confident in their knowledge of adjectives and could discuss how they could use these to describe Joe Spud in detail.

To round this off the class were to imagine that they were all tour guides and asked to describe Joe’s house. They shared all of the wonderful things he had in his house. After our class discussion P4 then drew detailed maps of Joe’s house ‘Bumfresh Towers’ with all the different rooms, materials and wacky decorations that they were able to imagine from the story.


For P.E this week, we participated in a series of races. This enabled the children to work together showing great teamwork and support to their peers when racing. They were also able to display their stamina and work on controlling their speed and body movement for each of the different kinds of races.

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