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P4/3 Update

It has been another busy and enjoyable week in P4/3. We continue to work together to improve our learning environment and develop our abilities to become independent learners, well done P4/3!!

In Literacy we have been learning to spell common words. These are words that will be found in most books, texts etc that will read and don’t necessarily have a pattern to them, but still have to be learned. I was so impressed that some of the children will transferring their knowledge from their spelling and identifying common words in their reading books, well done!!

We continue to work on number patterns and sequences up to 1000 and in some cases beyond. Ask your child to demonstrate their learning.

Finally, a big well done to the children who have been working hard at home with their numeracy, spelling, note- taking and directed drawing. Mrs Morrison is proud of you all.

Enjoy the long weekend and I will check in with you next Friday.

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