Primary 1B Learning Highlights
This week in Primary 1B we have been focusing on the fact that it is now officially Autumn, our favourite season. We have discussed all the different and exciting events which happen during Autumn such as, Halloween and Bonfire Night. These are the things we are most excited about……
Finlay – seeing all the branches on the trees.
Arianna – maybe seeing some snow!
Saatvik – Seeing the colourful leaves.
Leighton – seeing the branches on the trees as the leaves fall.
Alfie – carving a pumpkin at Halloween.
As part of our learning we read the story of Leaf Man.
This is a beautifully illustrated story book about the adventures of a ‘Leaf Man’ and where the wind takes him. We had great fun identifying all the different animals in the story and were amazed at how they were all made out of different types of leaves. Once we had finished the story we had a go at creating our own Leaf Man, using some of the leaves we had collected on our Autumn walk. Here are some of our creations.
We had lots of left over leaves so we practised our fine motor scissor skills by cutting the leaves up and gluing them onto a leaf template to create a colourful Autumn leaf collage.
As one of our writing tasks we have been drawing, describing and labelling Autumn trees. We discussed all the possible details which we could include, such as, Autumn animals which live in trees! We were able to share some amazing ideas. We also all had a go at writing the title on our work and some of us even tried to add some of our own labels onto our pictures. Check out some of our fabulous efforts.
We have also been busy this week working on learning all about our new sound ‘p’. This is soft, short and bouncy sound made with our lips, it is much quieter than the red lip sound ‘m’ that is why it is pink. We have been fantastic at recognising words which begin with the p sound and practising how to form this letter correctly. We made some Popcorn p’s to help us remember the shape of the letter.
It’s been a busy but fun week yet again. We have worked our socks off this week and we are looking forward to next week already! Have an amazing weekend everybody.
Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B