Update From Primary One
I hope you all enjoyed the long sunny weekend. It was great to see the children coming back happy and rested. They couldn’t wait to tell me what they had been up to, talking turtle time (daily check-in) took a little longer than usual. This blog will be a little shorter as we have only been in school for 2 days so far.
Literacy – Writing
We are continuing to develop our descriptive writing skills. This time we have been descibing an Autumn tree. Some of the children’s work below.
We have also been enjoying reading books about Autumn and have made our own leaf men using leaves collected during outdoor learning.
Our new sound this week is “p” we have also started focusing on common words. Today we explored the word “the”. I have hidden the word around the classroom, the children have to find it, say it, write it and as a challenge find the word in a book from our library.
We are continuing to explore numbers to 10 , creating collections, identifying numbers before and after. Some pictures below of our number talks. All children are becoming more confident in sharing strategies.
I hope you all have a great weekend and I shall update our blog next week.