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P3/2 Weekly Post


Scarlet- “We were describing The Stick Man”.

Erica- “We were using the describing bubble to describe the sticks that were on the table”.

Sophia- “We were free writing this Friday”.



Sai and Robyn- “We were spelling tricky words”.



Lucy- “We were counting shapes and using tally marks outside”.

Alexia- “We counted the tally marks and then made a bar graph or a pictogram”.



Harrison-”We read a book about Julia Donaldson”.

Aayan- “The book was a biography. This is a book about someone’s life but they did not write it”.


Mia and Emma- “We then wrote facts in our jotter about Julia Donaldson”.

Lucy- “When Julia was a girl she lived with her mum, dad, sister, gran, grandad and auntie”.

Sophia- “Julia Donaldson writes books for children”.

Darby- “She wrote poems when she was little”.

Robyn- “She wrote books for her three sons”.

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