Another busy week in P4
We have continued to work hard in P4! In Numeracy we continue to focus on our addition skills. I am continuing to see many children becoming more confident with this! This is definitely something the children should continue to practise at home, especially if they don’t feel as confident. There are lots of examples online to use. We have also been continuing to work on our mental maths skills and number talks – one of which focused on making 60 in as many different ways as we could think of. This is only a small number of the examples some of the children came up with:
10×6 – Sophie G
5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+20 – Erin P
10+10+10+10+10+10 – Maisy
1000-940 – Shay
10+50 – Ariah
160-100 – Summer
100-40 – Stevi
60-0 – Kayleigh
70-10 – Joe
40+20 – Gracie
60×1 – Ciaran
In Literacy this week we have continued reading in our groups. We have continued to discuss the text as we read and the children have been coming up with some questions of their own as we have read. We completed some comprehension questions based on our group readers.
I am using expression when I am reading, so it sounds like the people are actually talking – Erin R
It was quite fun as you had to use your book to find the answers – Sophie C
I am using loud voices while I’m reading – Gracie
It was quite easy and fun! – Olivia
It was fun because we had to match up parts in our story for the starts and ends of sentences – Emily
In our spelling we have been focusing on common words that came from an assessment in class. We will take some of these home to work on each week in order to help build up our spelling confidence and knowledge. In Writing we have completed an assessment piece about ourselves and our hopes/aspirations for the coming year. We were able to use our previous All About Me stories to give us some ideas. We had to really focus on our core targets such as correct punctuation, using conjunctions (joining words) and using paragraphs, as well as our Descriptive Genre target which include – using a title, including an introduction, describing myself using adjectives and including an evaluation. You can take a look at some of our examples below:
In PE we have continued to look at Team activities and this week we had to try out different fitness activities given in our groups. These were activities such as star jumps, human ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’, crab crawl, stretches, frog jumps and many more. This is what the children said afterwards:
We were exercising! – Summer
It was challenging because we had to move onto another one then another! – Derry
It felt like we were being really athletic – Sophie C
We were in our table groups and the person who was our team captain had to tell us the next exercise. It was fun! – Maisy
We exercised in our groups – Ryley
It was really exhausting!! – Chloe
I agree!! (with Chloe) – Ciaran