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This Week in P3/2


In maths this week we were partitioning numbers. Partitioning is when we split large numbers into smaller. This can make it easier to solve maths problems.

Darby- “We were partitioning numbers this week”.

Lucy- “partitioning a number means to spit the number. If you were to split the number 35, you would get 30 and 5”.



This week we been reading our new books. We then had to read the book to find the information to ask questions about the story.

In word boost, our story of the week was ‘The Paper Dolls’ by Julia Donaldson. We were learning the meaning of our boost words and then identifying if these words were nouns or verbs.

Brianna- “I was spelling words with the sound ‘s’.”

Kyle –“We read every week and everyday”.



This week were we using the drama technique of hot seating. Hot seating is a strategy in which a pupil played the character of the witch from ‘Room on the Broom’. The other students would ask the witch questions and the pupil would need to answer them in character.

Robyn- “We were asking our friends questions because they were pretending to be the witch from ‘Room on the Broom”.



Hope you all have a lovely holiday!

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