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Primary 4's Week

In Numeracy we have started working on subtraction. We completed an assessment to see where we are all at so that Mrs Hillan knows where we need supported or challenged.

It was fun but a little bit tricky – Erin R

It was quite easy but some of the sums were quite hard – Alyssa

When there was a big number and a small number you had to count in between which took a bit of time – Derry

It was hard work! – Summer

In our assessment we could only use our whiteboards to help us – Chloe

It was tricky but we were allowed to use our whiteboards to work out sums – Ariah



For literacy this week we have continued working hard on our new spelling words and we have these home again to practise. We have our new homework out which requires us to pick two tasks from the grid to help us learn our spelling words. It is really important that we complete these each week.

In writing this week we have looked at Persuasive Writing again and created a one-sided argument. We used Fireworks as our theme this time. We assessed ourselves using our core target grids and our genre target grids for persuasive writing. We spoke about the pros and cons of fireworks to help us decide which side of the argument we wanted to write from. We will look at another persuasive piece next week. Here are some pieces from this week:




We continued our topic of The Egyptians this week. We finished creating our questions on what we would like to find out about the Egyptians, here are some of them:

Who was the King? – Maisy

Where do they sleep? – Jessica

How did they survive? – Ciaran

Where do they get soap? – Shay

What did the Egyptians do for fun? – Holly

Where did they get the sand from? – Lacey

How did they speak? – Joe

What food do they eat? – Gracie

How did they make pyramids? – Caelan

Where do they live? – Daniel

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