A Week in P5
We continued to develop our persuasive writing techniques.
In addition we practised using various openers to create interesting sentences.
In group reading we read our texts, discussed them and practised using different techniques to work out the meaning of unknown words in order to improve our vocabulary.
We also discussed what made a good story and then with our partner wrote down what we thought would happen next in our novels. Some of us wrote great beginnings that would make the reader want to read on. Some of us applied what we had learnt about openers earlier in the week and used them in our stories. Also some of used some descriptive adjectives and powerful verbs!
Bailey – I am enjoying the class novel.
Sophie Smith – I am proud of my spelling.
We all feel we have improved our addition skills.
Hope – I learnt strategies to help solve problems.
We practised using the art of collage to decorate flags of various European countries.
Bailey – I enjoyed making the flags. I learnt that each country has a different flag.
This week we learnt that spreading rumours and name-calling is unacceptable and we discussed different strategies that we could use to deal with this.
Grace – I also enjoyed completing my racism ribbon from last week.
This was linked into our learning about shape and we drew worlds where everything was made up of geometric shapes.