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Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Health and Wellbeing

This week in health and wellbeing we have been focusing on completing activities for children in Need. We are very excited to dress up in colourful spots on Friday! We have been thinking about how we can ‘connect’ with our friends. We discussed all of the different things which make a good friend. We shared with the class examples of how we feel about our friends.

Saatvik – Kaleb runs with me so he is my friend and I like him.

Alfie – Leighton is always kind to me.

Kellan – Saatvik always plays and includes me in his games.

We also have been learning all about why we take part in Children in Need activities. We watched a powerpoint and learned some very interesting facts. Did you know that since Children in Need started it has raised over a billion pounds for children who are less fortunate than ourselves. That’s pretty amazing!We had a chance to decorate our own Pudsey bears with bright and colourful spots.

We were also very, very lucky to have an exciting online yoga lesson from the fabulous yoga teacher Mrs Anderson from Lotus Learn Yoga. We got to meditate at the start wearing our special yoga glasses and then we learned some new super stretchy poses like the cat, cow and the horse. Finally, after all that stretching and breathing we got to have a ‘savasana’ which is when we could lie on our backs and blow out little air bubbles. It was very relaxing and we look forward to taking part in another session again soon.


This week as we continue to work on the Persuasive writing genre we have been sharing our opinion on why we like to play. We learned and used the fancy new joining word ‘because’ to explain our opinion and link up our ideas.

Cooper – I like to play because it is fun and I play with Finlay at the park.

AlfieĀ  – I like to play because it is friendly.

Jake – I like to play because it is fun.

This week we wrote ‘I like to play because it is……’. We had some excellent writing examples from all the boys and girls.


This week we have been movie stars during our numeracy time. Mrs Stevenson has been recording us playing our favourite number games. We are very excited to share this learning with you all very soon. Watch this space for our film debut!!

Remembrance Day

This week we celebrated Remembrance day. We discussed all about why we celebrate this day and what the poppy flower means. It was very interesting and we were incredibly respectful during our 2 minute silence on Wednesday. One of our activity stations this week was to create a poppy picture using a printing technique. These are some of our fabulous creations.

To round up our weekly blog I would like to remind parents and carers to continue to send in the red reading folders everyday so we can continue to deliver quality reading experiences for your child.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

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