Primary 4's Week
In Numeracy we have been working on decomposition (borrowing). Some of us have found this quite a challenge, but we have stuck with it. This would be a good thing for the children to practise at home when they can!
At first I thought it would be hard, but when I got the hang of it, it was really easy – Emily
When I started it was quite tricky and now it’s got really easy – Caelan
When I’ve started using my head to work them out it has gotten easier – Sophie C
It was tricky but when we got our mind to it, we could do it – Summer
I found it extremely hard, but when I thought about it, it was easy – Shay
In writing this week we have looked at Persuasive Writing again and creating a one-sided argument about why having a school uniform is important. We began by coming up with good reasons for this before completing our pieces. Here are some of our thoughts:
We should have school uniform for if we get lost on a trip – Maisy
When I thought about having a school uniform, I thought of hundreds of ideas! – Erin R
It was tiring, but it was a good job and worth it! – Alyssa
When I was writing I used my persuasive writing mat to help me – Kayleigh
Here are some of our finished pieces:
We have been busy preparing our Sharing the Learning ready to film next week! We have lots of good things to tell you about that P4 do in Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing.
In PE this week we have been playing some games to help increase our fitness levels. We were in the hall this week due to rainy weather. We really enjoyed the Video Game where we had to ‘fast forward’ – run, ‘rewind’ – go backwards, ‘pause’ – stop, ‘record’ – pull a silly face and ‘slow motion’ – walk at half speed! Here are some photos of us enjoying the games this week:
Well done on another productive week Primary 4!!