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Primary 2 Update

Have a read to see what we have been up to this week in P2.


Vrishti – “We have been learning about persuasive writing”

Archie M – “We had to persuade people about why school is important”

Andrew – “School is important so you can learn for when you grow up”


Jayden – “We have been finding efficient ways to bridge 10 in number talks”

Euan – “We have been trying to find the missing number in an adding sum”


Charli Mae – “We had to sort the sea animals into the right layer of the ocean. The dolphin went at the top in the sunlight zone.”

Macy May – “The sea animals all went in different layers.”

Sharing the Learning

In the next few weeks, we will be sending out a video all about our learning in P2 so far. This week, we became movie stars and began filming our sharing the learning.

Have a great weekend! Remember to wear your pyjamas on Tuesday the 24th November for our Read Write Count day!

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