This Week in P3/2
We read through our reading book and then answered comprehension questions about the text. We were improving our skim and scanning skills when reading to find information.
Darby- “In reading we were answering questions about the book. We had to write our answers in sentences”.
During ELF thus week we were focusing on varying our sentences lengths. We were trying to use connective words to extend our sentences.
Robyn- “In writing we were making our sentences bigger by using works like ‘because’ and ‘and’ “.
During Word Boost we were improving our vocabulary. We are introduced to the meaning of 6 boost words and we then use these to up-level our talking and listening and writing.
This week we continued to learn about number sequences. We were learning about number sequences where the rule was minus.
Aayan- “We were learning about number sequences that were take away. I used a 100 number square to help me work out the answer”.
We also were introduced to the game SumDog. There is a selection of different games that involve you using your maths skills. This is something we will be using in class to support our numeracy and maths skills.
Health and Wellbeing
This week we enjoyed staying active and healthy during P.E. After warming up, we focused on balances.
Sarah-Louise- “We have been exercising and this makes me feel healthy”.