Primary 1B Learning Highlights.
Health and Wellbeing
This week in health and wellbeing we have been continuing to focus on the topic of bullying. We have been discussing strategies to help us should we ever be a victim of bullying or should we see it happening in our playground. Here are some of our very sensible suggestions.
Jack – I would find out who the bully is and tell a teacher.
Saatvik – I would stick up for my friend and tell the bully to stop.
Cooper – I would help my friend to stop crying and play with them to keep them safe.
Kaleb – I would tell one of my trusted adults.
This week in our yoga session we were learning how to perform some yoga animal poses. We visited old Macdonald’s farm and had great fun being flapping chickens, galloping horses and dogs searching for bones! We are really enjoying our yoga sessions. Here are some examples of how it makes us feel.
Jack – Yoga makes me feel so calm and relaxed.
Mikah – Yoga makes me sit quietly.
Cooper – Yoga makes me patient.
Kaleb – Yoga makes me so happy.
This week we reach our final week for focusing on the Persuasive writing genre. We have worked hard on this particular writing area and are feeling confident showcasing our learning with you all on our special videos (watch this space!) This week we have been writing about why reading is so important. Here are some examples of our work.
We were able to share verbally and through our sentences some of the reasons we believe reading is so important.
Arianna – I like reading because it is fun.
Alfie – I like reading because it is good for you.
Reuben- I like reading because it can make your brain smart.
Saatvik – I like reading because if you know how to read you can do anything.
We have also been learning two new common words, me and we. Our new sounds this week have been h and d.
Our word boost story this week has been ‘The Frightened Little Owl’, by Mark Ezra. We have enjoyed listening to the story and completing all the different activities. We are excellent at using and recognising all of the word boost words we have learned so far we are even beginning to understand the colours of the words and what they mean. (yellow – describing words- adjectives and red are doing words -verbs) This week’s Boost words are – familiar, tremble, tumble and vanish.
This week we have had a new focus for our maths work. We have been learning to recognise and name 2D shapes. We have been discussing their properties, how they look and how they feel. We have been using mathematical language such as edges, sides and corners as well as all the correct names for a number of 2D shape. It has been a bit of a challenge remembering the properties of a pentagon, hexagon and an octagon. Throughout the week we have been spotting all of these shapes within our classroom. Here are some of the activities we have been investigating to help us develop this skill.
We hope you have enjoyed our blog update for this week.
Have an amazing weekend.
Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B