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Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Health and Wellbeing

This week in health and wellbeing we have moved slightly away from our focus on bullying onto the qualities that make a good friend. We discussed all of the friends we have and why we are friends with them. We shared what quality made us a good friend. Here are some of our examples.

Leighton – I cheer my friends up if they are sad.

Kellan – I like to do kind things for my friends.

Lucy – I always play nicely with my friends.

Reuben – I like to draw pictures for my friends

Finlay – I like to include all my friends in the things I do.

We designed and made friendship tokens which showed us being a good friend. Jack and Finlay even began writing some kind notes for their friends, well done boys on showing kindness – I think we all agree that is the most important quality in a friend!

We watched the story ‘Frog and Toad are friends’. We loved seeing all the different ways that Frog and Toad helped and cared for each other. They were such great friends.


This week in our writing session we thought we would get into the Christmas spirit and share why we like Christmas. There were lots of fantastic reasons given by everyone . I think we all agreed that Reuben’s idea was the most heart warming. He shared that he loved Christmas so much because he got to have a huge family dinner with everyone.  We continue to focus on our core targets, and we have having a BIG push on trying to remember finger spaces in our work.  Here are some of our fantastic end results.

This week our new common words are ‘he’ and ‘my‘. We are working hard reading and writing all of these words everyday. Keep practising at home everybody!

The new sounds focus for this week are d and u. Now we know all of the vowel sounds we are able to build lots of new words, this will be a big focus for us right up to Christmas. We have been building words using the magnetic letters, paddle boards and we have been playing lots of new games to help us develop these skills.


We have been continuing to focus on 2D shapes and started to get to grips with the names of some familiar 3D shapes.

Christmas Preparations

This week saw us start our Christmas preparations with the beginning of advent. Our Classroom Christmas trees are up and Frosty the snowman is on our classroom door to welcome the children in the morning.

We have started to learn a special Christmas Poem for a very special project. Here is copy for you to help you child to practise at home (you will also find a paper copy in the red home work folders)

Xmas poem

On Monday, Mrs Buntin demonstrated how to use a piece of exciting new technology called Stop Frame Animation. We all got a turn to have a go at developing our class scene for the whole school nativity. It was great fun and the end result will be amazing, we are so exited to see it!

We have also decorated our own special Christmas Bauble with Christmas design. Miss Borsby’s dad has very kindly offered to engrave children’s names onto each decoration. We can’t wait to see what they look like!

Have a fantastic weekend everybody. Stay cosy!

Another little reminder for children not to bring in toys from home at the moment due to all the current restrictions in place to keep everyone safe.

Many Thanks!

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

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