A Busy Week in P4/3
It has been another busy week in P4/3, as we continue to develop our literacy and numeracy skills as well as beginning to work on Christmas crafts!! Look out for some creative art work heading your way in the next couple of weeks.
We have been working hard to develop our mental maths skills through number talks. All of the children have the opportunity to share their strategies with one another and discover the best method that works from them.
Health and Well- Being
We made the most of the cold, but dry weather (before the snow arrived!) to participate in physical activity. We have discussed the importance of keeping active and the benefits to our physical and mental well- being. Next week, we will design posters to demonstrate our knowledge and some will be on show on a school Health and Well- Being wall display.
Next week all children will complete an end of term spelling assessment. If possible, please practise the words (sent home yesterday and today) with your child.
Have a lovely weekend, stay warm and cosy and I will check in with you next Friday.