This week in Primary 4
In Numeracy we have looked at some more subtraction problems. We have been looking at subtraction facts to 20 this week as well as subtraction problems involving odd and even numbers. Here are some examples of our good work:
In writing this week we wrote a letter to Santa or a letter about what we would like to do in the holidays. We used the skills we have been learning about, such as an introduction and using paragraphs. Here are some of our letters:
In Reading this week we have continued reading in our groups as well as listening to and discussing our class novel which is The Christmasaurus. Here are some of our thoughts on the story so far:
I like William because he is trying his best to stand up for himself. I don’t like Brenda because she is a big bully! – Emily
Brenda Payne is really mean to William because he is in a wheelchair. – Ryley
I thought Brenda was nice at first, but now I hate her! – Erin R
The book is funny and silly at the same time. – Ariah
The book is very interesting and spooky because we wouldn’t want to be watched by someone in a postbox! – Chloe
It is good to be able to predict what will happen next! – Derry
Brenda is mean and selfish – Hadiyaah
There is a dinosaur in the North Pole who wants to fly like the reindeer. – Lacey
It was funny when the Christmasaurus was born! – Stevi
The dinosaur’s egg was in ice. – Summer