Welcome Back
Welcome back to the new term. Most pupils are working from home for now.
P1-P4/3 will receive learning experiences shared through Seesaw, which children have access to using the Seesaw App. Children are encouraged over the next two weeks to work through the activities in their pack, take photographs of their learning and share on Seesaw.
P4-P7 will use Microsoft 0365 Team, which can be accessed through their Glow account. Information for parents on how their child uses Teams is available on the following link: bit.ly/wlglowguide
Nursery children should continue to access our Nursery Blog where there will be daily updates with lots of exciting learning activities. Nursery parents/carers can also collect a PEEP Learning at home pack from the school office.
If your child has any difficulty accessing Teams, please contact the school where we will be happy to help you.