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Monday 11th January

Monday 11th January 2020

P6/5 Daily Plan

Happy New Year!

I wish you all the best.

The format for this plan will develop over the week, as will the timetable and content of “Files”. Please bear with me.


I am hoping to read the class novel “Wonder” live after morning check ins. This will be the first time I have tried this! The follow up activity is the role of Predictor from Literacy Circles. A sheet to support you with this can be found here: Teams > P 5-6 Mr Colverson > Files > Class Materials > Literacy


LI To multiply (and divide) by 10. Again I will try to do a live teach for this as timetabled. I will start with TJ Book 1b (this can be found here: Teams > P 5-6 Mr Colverson > Files > Class Materials > Maths and Numeracy) page 26, and then progress onto pages 58 and 59. For those of you that want to really challenge yourselves try the “How do I plan a simple budget?” activity here:,ZJHV,24F84E,4G936,1


I have up-loaded (into this file: Teams > P 5-6 Mr Colverson > Files > Class Materials > Spelling) the overviews for P5 and P6, as well as P4 and P2, which you can use for additional support. There is also the Fry’s list of common words. As you will see this weak P5 should focus on the letter “j” and P6 have a list of common and tricky words. I have also up-loaded a list of spelling activities. Today please select activities to suit yourself.

Health / Reading / Art 

In the “Health” file I have up-loaded a drawing I think Mrs Stewart likes. Have a look at it and read the caption. What do you think? Below is a link to the excellent BBC website. You can read the article and watch the video. You can pause the video to copy his drawing, like we have before when using youtube to follow step by step instructions to draw the beach.



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