P4 Tuesday 12th January
Good Morning Primary 4, hope you are all well. Here are the tasks that will also be on Teams in case you have trouble accessing them there.
Here are some Go Noodle activities to get you started today and waken you up ready for the day ahead. Mrs Dobbie will be with you around 9:15am.
Reading _(Pre-recorded lesson)
As this lesson is via a video, it is too long to post on here, so I have attached a link to the first chapter of the story to read for yourself in case you can’t access it on Teams:
L/I To make a prediction.
S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have heard to make a prediction about what the story may be about and what roles the main characters may play.
Task: Write down your prediction of what you think the story is going to be about. Then note down the roles that you think the characters of Chloe and Mr Stink may play in the story. You can use the prediction sheet below to record (write or type on) your predictions or you can note these down in your own notebooks etc then put a copy into your folder in the Files Section on Teams or email to the school.
Tues 12th – Reading Predictions
Using your spelling words from yesterday, complete one or two of the tasks from the spelling task cards below. Add your completed tasks/photos into your folder in Files or email in.
Tues 12th – Spelling words list
L/I To subtract one number from another.
S/C I can use my skills in subtraction to take one number away from another with and without borrowing.
Task: Below you will find some subtraction sums, some with and some without borrowing (decomposition/regrouping). There is a ‘Mild’ task and ‘Spicy’ task and a ‘Hot’ task. It is up to you which one you choose, depending on how much you wish to challenge yourself. Remember, you can also do more than one if you wish. Please put your complete sheet into your folder in the files section or email the school.
MILD – Subtraction 12th Jan final
SPICY – Subtraction 12th Jan final
HOT – Subtraction 12th Jan final
We will come back to our Egyptians topic, but I thought it would be good to complete a personal project whilst we are working online. We will use a Scottish theme for our projects. With this in mind you could do your project on Scottish landmarks, Scottish food, Scottish sports, Scottish animals, Scottish Myths and Legends, or anything else you can think of. Please use the Personal Project sheet below to record which topic you would like to do your Personal Project on, and place it in your folder or email the school. I will then let you know if you chosen topic is suitable. I will give you some ideas on what you can include in your personal project after this.
Enjoy your day!! Miss Taylor will be with you first thing tomorrow for a writing lesson.