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Friday 15.1.21

Good morning, Mrs Lockhart here. Today’s tasks are outlined below.

Firstly, watch the powerpoint on Persuasive Writing, in the Folder named Friday 15.1.21, there are some good reminders and tips here.

au-l-53229-introduction-to-persuasive-text-powerpoint_ver_1 (1)

Then think about your arguments in favour of school uniform. Look at the persuasive planners provided in the same folder or below and choose one to support you. Persuasive Framework or Persuasive Framework 2. Finally write your persuasive piece in your jotter. Remember the long date and title. Upload your work, if possible, into your folder please.

Next there is an interesting poster competition for you to take part in.

‘Being Kind to yourself is one of the greatest kindnesses’

Think of how you could illustrate this idea and make it into a powerful poster. Upload your poster into individual folders please. Good luck!

Remember if you have any spare time to read for pleasure and just occasionally stop to practise your predicting skills.

12.00 Live check – in and Together Time.

That’s all for today. I’m looking forward to being in touch with you next week. Have a lovely week-end and take care everyone.

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