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Primary 4 - Monday 18th January 2021

I Hate Mondays Monday GIF by Chippy the Dog


Good morning everybody! Let’s start our day with Joe Wicks session –

Here is the assembly link from last week in case anyone didn’t get a chance to watch it:

Here is a plan of the day which details the lessons we will be doing throughout the day and when I shall be checking in on Team.

Monday 18th January

There will be a live check in around 9:30 with Mrs Stewart and Mrs Hillan.


As discussed during our live session, here is the link to accessing Reading Books for this week :

I have put two books in each group’s booklist. I have put a guide on how to access these and how to use the online reading resource below:

Guide to using Raintree Reading Resource



In Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files, there is a video recapping another part of our subtraction process. This is also the Youtube link:

Once you have watched this, try the Numeracy task below:

L/I To subtract one number from another with a zero involved.

S/C I can use my skills in subtraction to take one number away from another with and without borrowing with a zero involved.

Task: In Class Materials- Mrs Hillan in the files section you will find some subtraction sums, some with and some without borrowing (decomposition/regrouping). There is a ‘Mild’ task and ‘Spicy’ task and a ‘Hot’ task. It is up to you which one you choose, depending on how much you wish to challenge yourself. Remember, you can also do more than one if you wish. Please put your complete sheet or the sums on paper into your folder in the files section. The sheets are also added below:

MILD – Subtraction Mon 18th Jan final

SPICY – Subtraction Mon 18th Jan final

HOT – Subtraction Mon 18th Jan final


11:00 –

Class novel – next chapter – recorded

Youtube link –

Reading _(Pre-recorded video of reading chapter – in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder – in Files or use youtube link above)


L/I To extend my vocabulary

S/C I can find and discuss ambitious words in my novel to extend my vocabulary.

Task: Using the Word Wizard sheet as a guide which you will find in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder, find 3 words from the text which are unfamiliar to you – say what you think they might mean, look them up in a dictionary or Google and write down what they actually means, and then use them correctly in a sentence. Do this for each word separately. You can use the Word Wizard sheet in Files section to record on (write or type on) or you can note these down in your own notebooks etc then put a copy into your folder in the Files Section. Task is also below:

Reading – Word Wizard – Mon 18th Jan

Reading – Chapter 3 Mr Stink

We will catch up at 12:15 on Teams to see how we are all getting on.



Good afternoon everyone, hope you all had a good lunch! I will post this afternoon’s activities below – Spelling and Health and Wellbeing. I will check in with you all around 2:15 on Teams.


Your new spelling words for the week are in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder – remember to look at your group’s words! Once you have looked over your words and practised these using ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’, write out your words in interesting sentences – try to make these exciting and entertaining!! There is a sheet you can record on in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder or you can record on paper/jotter. Remember to put in your folder afterwards. Resources are also below:

Mon 18th – Spelling – Interesting Sentences

Mon 18th – Spelling words list



I had wanted to do this last week but didn’t get a chance – using the New Year’s Resolution sheets in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder, record something you would like to do/improve on linked to learning and one for at home. Remember you don’t have to record it on the actual sheet. Sheet is also below:

New Year’s Resolutions – Monday 18th Jan

Check in on Teams at 2:15 and 3:00.

Have a lovely day!!

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