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Primary 4 - Tuesday 26th January 2021


Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a good day yesterday. Here is our plan for the day:

Daily Plan – Tuesday 26th January

I’ll post some Go Noodle activities below to get you started today and waken you up ready for the day ahead. Mrs Dobbie will be with you around 9:15am.


11:00 – LIVE LESSON on Teams

Youtube link to lesson for pupils not on live session:

Reading _


L/I To create an illustration.

S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have heard to make a detailed illustration of a key part of my novel.

Task: You can use the Illustrator sheet in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder or just draw it on a piece of paper/jotter. Remember to make this detailed and connected to a part we have read so far. Then can you please write down your new prediction of might happen next in the story. You can use the prediction sheet in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder Files section to record (write or type on) your predictions or you can note these down in your own notebooks etc then put a copy of these and your illustration into your folder in the Files Section. The task is also below:

Illustrator Task – Reading – Tues 26th Jan

Tues 26th – Reading Predictions

We will catch up at 12:15 on Teams to see how we are all getting on and hear some of your predictions.



Good afternoon everyone, hope you all had a good lunch! I will post this afternoon’s activities below – Spelling, Numeracy & IDL. I will check in with you all around 2:15 on Teams.


Using your spelling words from yesterday, complete one or two of the tasks from the spelling task cards in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder ­ in the Files section. Add your completed tasks/photos into your folder in Files.

Spelling Task Cards 1

Spelling words list



L/I To subtract one number from another.


T – I can subtract a teens number from a 2 digit number.

S&C- I can subtract multiples/near multiples of 10, with bridging.

Task: In the Class Materials – Mrs Hillan folder in files section you will find your next textbook task for today – Triangles Group (Red SHM3 textbook) and Squares & Circles Group (Green SHM4 textbook) will both be there – pick the task set for your group, you all know which textbook you have been working on in class. Please put your complete task via photo or whatever works best for you into your folder in the files section. These are also below:

SQUARES & CIRCLES – Numeracy – SHM4 pg 30 – Tues 26th Jan final

TRIANGLES – Numeracy – SHM 3 pg 24 – Tues 26th Jan final



Please continue with your Scottish Personal Project. I have put the sheet from last week in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ called Personal Project Pointers, giving the sorts of things you should and might want to include in your personal project – you can be working on this at any time you wish. It is also below:

Personal Project Pointers


A little extra today – here is a link to a Panto:

Something fun to watch with your family at some point! I will also put these details into a document in our folder in Files – A free show to watch

The Singalong Rapunzel can be accessed through the National theatre of Scotland website here

Select £0 (or you can choose to make a contribution) and checkout. You may need to create an account or sign in to your account if you have one already.

You will receive a confirmation email after you have booked with the page link and full details of how to watch the show and access the activity pack.

Please see our How to Watch guide for help to watch Singalong Rapunzel or contact the team directly with any queries on

 Hope you have a great evening and I will be back with you tomorrow!

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