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Primary 4 - Monday 1st February 2021

Goodbye January And Welcome February Images, Quotes, Pictures | CalendarBuzz

Good morning everybody and welcome to a new month! Here is today’s plan:

Daily Plan- Mon 1st Feb 2021

Let’s start our day with Joe Wicks session –

I have now put another 2 new books in your Reading Group Booklists:

There will be a live check in around 9:30 with me on Teams.



L/I To subtract one number from another.


T – I can subtract numbers to 100 using problem solving skills and subtracting single digits bridging 20.

S&C- I can subtract numbers to 1000 using problem solving skills.


Task: Today we continue with subtraction, but before we begin, can I please remind you all the FINDING THE DIFFERENCE is the SAME as SUBTRACTING.

In Class Materials- Mrs Hillan in the files section you will find your textbook pages for today. SHM4 group (Squares and Circles), you have page 32 to complete and SHM3 group (Triangles), you have pages 26 and 27 to complete as your tasks are a little shorter. Please put your completed sheet or the sums on paper into your folder in the files section once you have finished. Your sheets are also below:

SQUARES & CIRCLES – Numeracy – SHM4 pg 32 – Mon 1st Feb

TRIANGLES – Numeracy – SHM3 pgs 26 & 27 – Mon 1st Feb


11:00 –

Below is your Reading task to do after watching the next video of me reading the next chapter of Mr Stink. The video is in the Class Materials- Mrs Hillan folder, but here is the youtube link also in case you have problems accessing it:


L/I To create an illustration.

S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have heard to make a detailed illustration of a key part of my novel.

Task: Complete an illustration like you did last week, but for another part of the story. You can use the Illustrator sheet in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder or just draw it on a piece of paper/jotter. Remember to make this detailed and connected to a part we have read so far and also to say WHY you picked this part to draw. Once you have completed this, please put your illustration into your folder in the Files Section. The sheet and next chapter copied is also below:

Illustrator Task – Reading – Mon 1st Feb

Reading – Chapter 9 – Mon 1st Feb

If you finish this task before lunch time, you can use your Group Reading book or even a book you are reading for enjoyment at home and try this task:

Choose a story or chapter from a book you have read. Use the Story Cube worksheet in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder or just draw it on a piece of paper, to create a story cube about it. Use drawings, sentences and thought bubbles to show the information on each side, as follows:

1 – Setting (where the story is taking place)

2 – Main characters

3 – Main event (what happens)

4 – Prediction of what could happen next

5 – New words and their meanings

6 – Favourite part

Here is the sheet you will need:

Story Cube Task – Mon 1st Feb 2021


We will catch up at 12:15 on Teams to see how we are all getting on.


Good afternoon everyone, hope you all enjoyed your lunch! I will post this afternoon’s activities below – Spelling and a task from the Five Sister’s Zoo. There is also a selection of outdoor activities if you fancy trying one of these too! The grid for this is in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder. I will also send you some information just before our quiz about a whole school Stem challenge competition.

I will check in with you all around 2:15 and have a live meet up at 2:45 for a fun Quiz!


Your new spelling words for the week are in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder – remember to look at your group’s words! Once you have looked over your words and practised these using ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’, write out your words in a Silly Story – try to make this funny and entertaining!! There is a sheet you can record on in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder or you can record on paper/jotter. Remember to put in your folder afterwards.

1st Feb – Spelling words list

Mon 1st – Spelling – Silly Story


Five Sister’s Zoo task

Below are 2 videos and a task set from the Five Sister’s Zoo. This is last week’s tasks as I won’t get this week’s until tomorrow again. You don’t have to do all the tasks, but they are there if you want to.

Links to videos – Tues 26th Jan – Thurs 28th Jan


The activities are in Class Materials>Class Materials- Mrs Hillan or below:

Five Sisters Zoo Task 1 – Teeth_Diets_and_Food_Chains_part_1_

Five Sisters Zoo Task 2 – Teeth_Diets_and_Food_Chains_part_2_


Outdoor Activity – see grid in Class Materials>Class Materials- Mrs Hillan or below:

Outdoor Activities P4-7

You can record this information in any way you wish.

Whole School STEM Challenge Competition: Here is a video from Mrs Wallace about the challenge: There is a poster in our folder in files or below detailing what you need to know and do if you wish to enter this competition – take a look!!

Stem challenge 2021

2:45 – QUIZ – LIVE on Teams

Thank you for working hard today. I shall see you all tomorrow!



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