Primary 4 - Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a good day yesterday. Below is our plan for the day:
I’ll post some Go Noodle activities below to get you started today and waken you up ready for the day ahead. Mrs Dobbie will be with you around 9:15am.
Youtube link to lesson for pupils not on live session:
Reading _
L/I To clarify the meaning of something
S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have read and use clarifying strategies to work out the meaning of a word, phrase or sentence I am unsure of.
Task: You can use the Clarifying sheet in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder (or below) or just write it on a piece of paper/jotter. You can write down more than one word or sentence you would like to investigate – the sheet is only a guide. Please put a copy of these into your folder in the Files Section.
We will catch up at 12:15 to see how we are all getting on and see some of the words you have worked on clarifying.
Reading – Chapter 9 – Tues 2nd Feb
Reading – Chapter 10 – Tues 2nd Feb
Reading Clarifying task – Tues 2nd Feb
Good afternoon everyone, hope you all enjoyed your lunch! I will post this afternoon’s activities below – Spelling, Numeracy & IDL. I will check in with you all around 2:15.
Using your spelling words from yesterday, complete one or two of the tasks from the spelling task cards in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder in the Files section or below. This is a new set of cards with more to choose from. Add your completed tasks/photos into your folder in Files.
L/I To subtract one number from another.
T – I can subtract a single digit from a 2 digit number, bridging a multiple of 10.
S&C- I can subtract numbers to 1000 which have small differences between them.
Task: In the Class Materials – Mrs Hillan folder in files section (or below) you will find your next textbook task for today – Triangles Group (Red SHM3 textbook) and Squares & Circles Group (Green SHM4 textbook) will both be there – pick the task set for your group, you all know which textbook you have been working on in class. Please put your complete task via photo or whatever works best for you into your folder in the files section.
SQUARES & CIRCLES – Numeracy – SHM 4 Activity Book pg 12 – Tues 2nd Feb
TRIANGLES – Numeracy – SHM3 pg 28 – Tues 2nd Feb
Please continue with your Scottish Personal Project. I have put the sheet from last week in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ called Personal Project Pointers, giving the sorts of things you should and might want to include in your personal project – you can be working on this at any time you wish.
Whole School STEM Challenge Competition: Remember there is a poster and a video in our folder in files detailing what you need to know and do if you wish to enter this competition. You can use some of your time this afternoon to work on this if you wish to.
Thank you for your hard work today P4, I shall be back with you tomorrow. Enjoy your evening!